Plants Without Borders: An Interview with Sara Redstone

Sara Redstone is the Plant Health and Quarantine Officer at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, home of the world’s largest collection of living plants. In addition to screening and isolating all incoming or outbound plant material, she is currently overseeing the...

Biology at the Border: An Interview with Alison Bashford

[NOTE: This interview is part of a series of announcements, interviews, updates, and posts related to the “Landscapes of Quarantine” design studio that Edible Geography and BLDGBLOG are co-leading this autumn in NYC. To find earlier Landscapes of...

The Last Town on Earth: An Interview with Thomas Mullen

This autumn in New York City, Edible Geography and BLDGBLOG have teamed up to lead an 8-week design studio focusing on the spatial implications of quarantine; you can read more about it here. For our studio participants, we have been assembling a course pack full of...

Agricultural Asylum

“Non-GMO corn seeks asylum in France,” read the Agence France Presse headline (more or less, given my rusty French). The article went on to explain that on Tuesday, September 29, “non GMO ears of corn from Spain sought refuge in the arms of the...

Landscapes of Quarantine Studio: Participants Announced

IMAGE: Quarantine facility and hospital ward on Swinburne Island, in the NYC archipelago. It’s been an extremely eventful month since Edible Geography and BLDGBLOG teamed up to announce “Landscapes of Quarantine,” an eight-week, intensive,...

Landscapes of Quarantine: Call for Applications

President Richard Nixon addressing quarantined Apollo astronauts; photo courtesy of NASA. I’m very excited to announce my husband (Geoff Manaugh of BLDGBLOG) and I will be hosting a design studio called Landscapes of Quarantine in New York City this autumn –...