by Nicola | Aug 30, 2010
IMAGE: Tyler Faber with “Doc,” receiving his grand champion 4-H market steer award from Iowa State Fair queen Lacy Stevensen. Photo by Steve Pope for the Iowa State Fair. As today’s New York Times points out, it’s state fair season in America: a time for... by Nicola | Aug 24, 2010
IMAGE: James Gilpin apparently offered visitors samples of his Family Whisky at the RCA Design Interactions exhibition (but Regine was too chicken to try it!). Image courtesy James Gilpin. With apologies to those who might be reading this over their morning coffee or... by Nicola | Aug 22, 2010
Historian Daniel Okrent’s recent book, Last Call, tells the story of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — otherwise known as Prohibition. IMAGE: Constitutional Amendment XVIII, ratified January 16, 1919, via the National Archives and Records... by Nicola | Aug 18, 2010
IMAGE: Map created by the NYC Regional Foodshed Initiative of the Urban Design Lab, a joint project of the Earth Institute and Columbia University GSAPP, via Urban Omnibus. I’m pretty excited to have a feature published on Urban Omnibus today, in their... by Nicola | Aug 13, 2010
IMAGE: Deprived of a soda tax, New York City’s Department of Health has taken revenge with these ubiquitous, nausea-inducing ads, which show a fizzy drink turning into fat in the glass, complete with “those little blood vessels and things like that”...